5 Unexpected Benefits to Becoming a Travel Nurse
You’ve been working as a nurse for a while now, and you can’t get enough of it. Helping others is your passion, but you feel like your current job might not be the right fit.
If you’re interested in an adventure, travel nursing could be exactly what you need. Many facilities across the country are experiencing nursing shortages, so they rely on travel nurses to step in and help for approximately 13 to 26 weeks.
This is an incredible opportunity to grow your nursing skills while seeing the country.
Learn five unexpected benefits you’ll gain in this line of work.
Live Like a Local
Going on vacation to a new city is very different than staying for an extended time to work. As a travel nurse, you’ll be temporarily living in a variety of cities across the country, which will be a fun experience in its own. Whether you want to try out different areas to eventually relocate or just enjoy immersing yourself in new places to explore the U.S., you’ll have a blast.
Make New Connections
Traveling throughout the country and working in a variety of facilities will allow you to meet so many new people. This is a unique opportunity to make friends and business contacts across the U.S., which can benefit both your personal and professional lives. You might meet a lifelong best friend or someone who can connect you with an outstanding career opportunity down the road.
Enjoy a Flexible Schedule
As a travel nurse, you’ll be in control of your calendar. If you need time off between contracts, you’ll be able to take it. This can allow you to vacation in a new spot near one of your assignments or head home to visit family. Even while you’re working, some facilities will also let you create a flexible schedule— i.e., working longer shifts to have more days off each week.
Find Your Ideal Work Setting
Constantly moving around allows you to work in a variety of healthcare facilities. This will help you decide what type of setting you like best — i.e., a teaching hospital, non-profit, for-profit, ICU, community hospital — so you know exactly where to look when you decide to settle down. Most nurses can’t do this without job-hopping or spending a significant amount of time in a setting they’re not wild about, so this is a unique opportunity to test out a variety of options.
Avoid Workplace Politics
Even the best nursing jobs can come with drama that makes going to work highly unpleasant. However, when you’re only at a facility for a few months, it’s much easier to steer clear of any office politics. If you get an assignment where tensions are constantly running high, you can relax in knowing you’ll be out of there in no time.
Interested in becoming a travel nurse? Malone Healthcare is here to guide your search for the right opportunity. Contact us today to get started!